
By Chris Donney

Deadpool 2 by all standards was not your typical superhero movie. In fact, it was a movie unlike any superhero movie released in the past excluding the series’s first film. The one major difference between the first movie and this new release, was the violence content throughout the movie. The second movie is significantly gorier than the first film and contains much more graphic content. It is by no means, a family movie. It has truly earned it’s rated R rating due to the gore, violence, sexual references, crude language, and brief drug content.

Throughout the series the main character, Wade Wilson a.k.a. Deadpool is portrayed by Ryan Reynolds. He was a perfect fit for this role because of his looks and his ability to get laughs. Deadpool is supposed to be a former mercenary turned superhero with the immaturity of a child. For that very reason it has been one of the best movies of the summer, it was able to keep me laughing and involved throughout the whole movie because it did not try and make the movie longer than it needed to be. With a run-time of 1 hour and 59 minutes it was the perfect length for the plot.

I believe that the reason many people liked this movie was for how different it was than all of the Marvel superhero movies. In a review by Timber Mabes in The Daily Lobo he said, “I think one of the reasons I liked it so much was because it was so real. The characters knew that they were featured in a movie. Deadpool doesn’t even want to be a superhero, yet possesses little humility. Also, the violence is incredibly gory, unlike most other Marvel movies.” It was almost refreshing to see this type of superhero movie hit the big screen because it was not your typical cut and dry superhero movie that everyone has become accustomed to. It was an entirely different type of movie because of how it was made, in the movie the character Deadpool was aware in a way that he was being played by Ryan Reynolds and even at one point Deadpool signed a cereal box with the name Ryan Reynolds. Throughout the series it has always been implied that Deadpool knew he was shooting his own superhero movie but in this new addition that implication is a little less than subtle with several references to the studio not being able to get better X-Men.

The movie has almost two different plots because Deadpool is on two different journeys throughout the film, and they eventually combine together at the end. One path is a love story between him and his wife, Vanessa. The other is his path to saving both the life and soul of a young mutant. These journeys that Wade goes on throughout the movie feed off of eachother in a way because both paths end together. The reason that I liked this movie so much was because of how many different movie genres it managed to hit. It was simultaneously a romantic comedy and a thriller/action. Deadpool goes through a transformation throughout the movie and starts to discover the importance of family and learns to put other people’s needs in front of his own. The ending of the movie was quite different than that of a Marvel movie in the sense that it gives more of personal scene rather than a large battle like the end of the first movie, which ended with a large brawl where Deadpool fights Francis. Overall I would recommend this movie for a mature audience looking for a funny but thrilling movie. Going into this movie after seeing the first one I was expecting a certain type of movie, and to some extent it was what I expected. But on the other, it was completely different because it took the jokes to a whole other level. Instead of just small quips from Ryan Reynold all the time, it had more built up jokes meant to make the audience laugh. For me it did its job as the sequel to the 2016 superhero comedy and is definitely worth watching.

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