
Summer Jobs 2018
by Nathan Wong

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 35 percent of teenagers have actively sought jobs for the past five summers. This figure has dropped from previous years, as it was 50 percent in 2001. Historically, more teenagers have worked during the summer than during the school year, but the percentage of teens in the labor force over the summer is expected to decrease even more in future years.

As to why fewer teenagers are working over the summer, there are several reasons. Some people point to the fact that parents are putting a greater emphasis on grades and college, leaving less time for finding a job. Some people believe that maintaining high marks to gain admission to a college and earn a degree is a more rewarding endeavor than getting a summer job.

High school senior Tim Hajdukiewicz knows the importance of good grades, but he still feels summer work is important. “I want to make money to use while I’m at college,” he said.

Another reason for the decline of teenagers in the workforce is that they are competing with adults due to the increase in minimum wage. Because of increased salaries for more common jobs, older people are often becoming satisfied with entry-level positions. 

More Time Indoors Than Ever Before
By Jack Breagy
Children today spend less than half the amount of time outdoors as their parents did when they were children according to the Guardian. This figure continues to rise as more video games and more indoor activities become more attractive to kids and teenagers. And it's not just video games that kids and teens use while inside, the time spent indoors is also impart to the use, and as some people classify, the younger generations addiction to social media.

Going into this new summer calendar, 65 percent of parents surveyed claim that their children spend more than 3 hours a day on screens in the summer. While CNN say teens spend approximately nine hours a day on social media. But how is this summer addiction different then one of previous years?

Teenagers in society today are more depressed than any other recorded time in history, and much of this is due to social media. A high school senior at Columbia High School (CHS) who wished to be unidentified said this about the matter. “I find it hard to go out and have fun when I see all this rich, wealthy and good looking kids my age on the internet living the life I wish I could”. Because of this social media causes depression that some kids are beginning to face most victims go right back to social media to make themselves feel better, instead of going outside and hanging out with friends, and the situation is only getting worse as the years go on. Many teen also look to seek the approval of other kids on social media as a validation of their success which leaves more kids stuck inside.

Summer Weather
By Chris Donney

The weather for the summer of 2018 appears to be above average throughout all of the U.S. except for the south-east part of the U.S.. According the The Weather Channel, “Above-average temperatures are expected to continue to grip the West this summer, while parts of the Southeast and Midwest may see near to slightly cooler-than-average conditions, according to the latest outlook from The Weather Company, an IBM Business.” That means that this summer New Jersey can expect above to near average temperature throughout the summer. Although the temperature is expected to be near to above average throughout the summer hopefully people won’t have to deal with a drought.


According to The Weather Channel, “June may look a bit different from the other summer months in portions of the Southeast and Midwest. Instead of temperatures being slightly cooler than average, temperatures here in June may be near or slightly above average.” According to Current Results(weather) the expected temperature in June averages between 77 degrees and 64 degrees fahrenheit.


The temperature in July for New Jersey is expected to be near or above average. The Weather Channel said, “Near or slightly warmer-than-average temperatures are likely in the Northeast, northern Plains and western areas of the central and southern Plains.”. The average temperature in July in New Jersey is expected to be between 83 and 66 degrees fahrenheit.

The southernmost part of New Jersey may be slightly below average, while the rest of the state can expect hotter than average temperatures throughout the month. August is expected to be the hottest month of the summer according to Current Results the average temperature is expected to be between 84 and 68 degrees fahrenheit.

Overall Review

Throughout the whole summer New Jersey can expect an average summer if not hotter. Which means plenty of time at the beach and not as much time dodging the rain. With average temperatures throughout the summer ranging between 84 and 64 degrees fahrenheit it should be an average summer without much excessive heat. People should expect lots of good beach days and be prepared for little rain. According to Accuweather summer 2018 will bring New Jersey brief heat waves throughout the summer, so make sure to have your A/C ready.


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